As soon as we receive your BOOKING form we will send you a BOOKING contract you should sign and return to us together with the deposit requested.
If you encounter problems with this form do please send us an e-mail with your name, address, phone number etc. and we will get back to you as soon as possible:
E-mail booking Bastide Aguyane.
The information collected is only used for your BOOKING, la Bastide d’Aguyane undertakes not to disseminating or communicating this information to any third party.
In accordance with the law and the recommendations formulated by the National IT and Freedom commission (CNIL), la Bastide d’Aguyane will give you the possibility of accessing and modifying, upon request, all data concerning you.
La Bastide d’Aguyane does not do Spamming (massive transmission of unwanted e-mails), and E-Mail addresses & coordinates will never be passed on, or sold to a third party.